

This is the Form implementation for an ERC7540 vault. Denoted as Form ID 4 on all chains Superform is deployed on, it follows a similar structure and behavior to ERC4646Form using with some changes in how deposits and redeems from the vault are conducted.

Core Concepts

The most significant feature change from ERC7540 to ERC4626 is the ability to process deposits and redeems in a two-step process. The deposit / redeem flow will be as follows:

  • Firstly, the user requests a deposit (or) to redeem in the vault.

  • After time x, the request will be made available by some trusted actor, after which the actual deposit/redemption could be processed, and superpositions are minted.

To handle the two-step process, AsyncStateRegistryis utilized to store the intermediary state till the request is made available.

The initial call from CoreStateRegistry or SuperformRouter to the form, all same-chain / cross-chain actions will request deposit/redemption from the vault.


It can be called only by the AsyncStateRegistry to process the second deposit step once the vault processes the request. If the retain4626_ flag is unset, then an acknowledgment is sent from AsyncStateRegistry of destination chain to source chain, and Superpositions are minted.

function claimDeposit(
 address user_,
 uint256 superformId_,
 uint256 amountToClaim_,
 bool retain4626_
 ) external onlyAsyncStateRegistry returns (uint256 shares);


Similar to claimDeposit, this function allows AsyncStateRegistry Post a successful request to process the second step of the redeem process.

function claimRedeem(
  address user_,
  uint256 superformId_,
  uint256 amountToClaim_,
  uint256 maxSlippage_,
  uint8 isXChain_,
  uint64 srcChainId_,
  LiqRequest calldata liqData_
) external onlyAsyncStateRegistry returns (uint256 assets);


Helper function to allow AsyncStateRegistry to process redeem requests of DEPOSIT_ASYNC vaults that require txData update.

function syncWithdrawTxData(SyncWithdrawTxDataPayload memory p_)
  returns (uint256 assets);

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