

DstSwapper is an access controlled contract which executes transaction data when tokens must be swapped on the destination chain before being deposited into a vault. This typically occurs when the vault being deposited into has little bridge liquidity in the underlying asset. In this case, the more liquid token is sent to the DstSwapper contract rather than going directly to CoreStateRegistry.

Core Concepts

There are three stages in which DstSwapper handles actions on the destination chain. It first tries to swap via processTx or batchProcessTx, if not successful, the transaction is marked as failed via updateFailedTx or batchUpdateFailedTx which means the intermediary tokens can be rescued by CoreStateRegistry.


The core function in DstSwapper is processTx. Used in single vault payloads, after validating that the provided data will send tokens to CoreStateRegistry, processTx calls the designated bridge address with the provided transaction data via the onlySwapper contract . This secures against txData manipulation by off-chain route generation. processTx will revert if the amount of the vault underlying token to be received was lower than what the user intended.

function processTx(
        uint256 payloadId_,
        uint8 bridgeId_,
        bytes calldata txData_
) external override onlySwapper nonReentrant


This function is used to swap tokens in multi vault payloads.

function batchProcessTx(
        uint256 payloadId_,
        uint256[] indices_,
        uint8[] bridgeIds_,
        bytes[] calldata txDatas_
) external override onlySwapper nonReentrant


If processTx doesn't go through successfully within a pre-determined time-frame (30 minutes being the default) transactions will be marked as failed via updateFailedTx in a single vault payload.

function updateFailedTx(
        uint256 payloadId_,
        address interimToken_,
        uint256 amount_
) external override onlySwapper nonReentrant


If batchProcessTx doesn't go through successfully within a pre-determined time-frame (30 minutes being the default) transactions will be marked as failed via batchUpdateFailedTx in a multi vault payload.

function batchUpdateFailedTx(
        uint256 payloadId_,
        uint256[] indices_
        address interimToken_,
        uint256 amount_
) external override onlySwapper nonReentrant


Once transactions are marked as failed by swapper, they can be rescued by the rescue/dispute process conducted in CoreStateRegistry.

function processFailedTx(
        address user_,
        address interimToken_,
        uint256 amount_
) external override onlyCoreStateRegistry 

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